Sanity Mental Health

Working 1-1 with clients for over 15 years, I have listened and held clients doing their best to navigate through life. 3 years ago I enrolled to become a mental health counsellor, and in 2023 qualified.
Counselling is not about how Counsellors fix you, when you are ready for change you will reach out and Counsellors provide you safe, held, non-judgemental spaces to discuss your anxiety, triggers, depression and to explore other ways of navigating your responses to them.
At Sanity in addition to an hours counselling session, I also offer a 20 minutes quiet reflection period where you can experience the benefits of grounding through head massage. You can chose to have this before the session or after, or have your session without.
Benefits of Head Massage
•Reduction in emotional anxiety and stress.
•Feelings of well-being.
•Smoothing effect on the sensory nerve endings in the skin, resulting in feelings of reassurance.
•Promotion of a sense of calmness and tranquillity.
•Relief from depression.
•Feelings of rejuvenation